Ceramic Arts Network by The American Ceramic Society and edited by Ash Neuhamm is a great resource for all things ceramics. If you go to their website and use the Shop tab you will see books, DVDs and downloads of page and pages of resources for the potter.
One that is very useful is 100 Tips, Tools and Techniques for the ceramic studio, I find that it’s a book that you can look at over and over. It has various ideas such as Making your own simple aprons, one handed cut off wires, or making and using a ring slump mold. You get the idea.
The Book is divided in five sections:
Sectin 1: Studio Set up
Serction 2 : Gadgets & Gizmos
Section 3 : Making
Section 4: Surfaces
Section 5: Upkeep & Business
I’m not affiliated with Ceramics Arts Network I do use many of their products and thought I would share some of them with you.
The Ceramic Arts Network by the American Ceramic Society, is a great resource for all things ceramics. There are daily tips you can have sent to you or review at their site. You can sign up for ICAN The International Ceramics Artists Network, Subscribe to Ceramics Monthly and/or pottery Making Illustrated. There are Ceramic Recipes, CLAY Flicks and a Shop that has Books, DVDs and Downloads.
Their website is easy to navigate so I did not bother to make links to any of the topics.
(if you would like to have links included let me know Contact Page) I’m not an affiliate of the Ceramics Arts Network but I like to share resources I use.
Any Questions Let me know
A shinkage ruler can be a very necessary and helpful tool. This blog will give you some resources to help you determine the shrinkage rate of your clay as well as some different ways to make a shrinkage ruler and also give you a link if you care to purchase one.
The first step is to determine the think rate of your clay. If you use a premixed clay you can go to the manufacturers website and look at the shinkage rate. If the rate is say 12% and you want a 6 inch tall pot that is 4 inches wide. You can draw a line 6 inches long and another line 4 inches long and use your printer to enlarge your lines by 12%. Use those enlarged lines to create your pot.
I find my shrinkage rate differs a little from the manufacturer especially if I’m using a recycled clay so the method I use Can b found on the Ceramics Art Network video on Youtube. Click on the link here Ceramics Art Network
You can do a web search of Clay Shinkage Ruler Printable and here are some more resources to create a shinkage ruler
If you would like to purchase one you can get one from Diamond Core Tools
Imperial Version
Metric Version
Diamond Core Tools also has videos on how to use.
I’m not affiliated with any of these companies or products. But I have used them and use them as a resource
See you in the next blog and don’t forget to sign up for the news letter on the contact page