Ken Horstman Studios

Opening The Glaze Kiln

Today I opened the glaze kiln after a 9 hour cone 6 glaze firing.  The results were very nice and an opening is full of surprises, mainly good ones.  Some of the pieces are already spoken for, but the others you will be able to see sometime after the holidays in the website and in the store. 

Check them out at  Sign up to be on the mailing list not to miss  any of the news,  by going to the contact page and signing up for the mailing list.  See you at the next blog

Today we are loading the kiln

Today I started loading the last bisque load of the year and will be firing in the next day or two and then glaze and fire.  I’m hoping to have new items available in my website shop by early next year.  So keep your eyes open for that.  I will be contacting people on my mailing list, letting them know when new items are available.  If you want to be notified make sure to leave your  information  on my contact page and I’ll add you to my mailing list. 

 See you in the next blog

Ideas For Marketing

It’s that time of year when we are preparing for the holiday sales, but with less holiday shows available people are turning to alternate ways to get their work shown.  As I’ve mentioned before a good web site, with  a store such as Format : (disclosure I am an affiliate).  A few other ideas are when you make your test tiles, make them as coasters, spoon holders, or a yunomi include these as an add on with a purchase.  It will create good will and repeat customers.  Get with the local coffee shop and create a gift package of your mugs and their coffee, it becomes win-win when sold at your web site and at the coffee shop.  Include some filters with your pour overs.   Old fashioned mailers can add to your costs but have proven more successful than some emails. Do a kiln unloading video on you tube.  

What ever marketing plan you come up with  always aim for creating excitement.  Let me know of any marketing ideas you have found successful and I will share them in a future post.   

See you at the next post.

Using Format